
take 3???

Well it is the true deal, not just spotting anymore...full on crampy period. Yuck. So. That means I am onto my third IUI cycle. 3rd times a charm?? Lets hope....
On the positive side of this I am now able to get my hair done..it really needs it and I love being lighter in the summer time. Also I am still continuing to lose weight and get healthier so I can continue this journey...and I am going to buy myself a new bathing suit as a reward :D. One other thing I am realizing is that if this is the cycle...which fingers crossed it is I won't have to worry about coming to work with morning sickness...since I am off in the summer (no school) it will give me time to just relax and do whatever I need to do.
Yes I cried last night and yes I hate it but I do know it will happen, I have to recognize I only have so much control and put my faith in the universe.


  1. Crap - I am so sorry!!! I think you have an amazing attitude. Take care of yourself in this time.

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  3. I love that you're taking care of yourself! I love that whenevery you're down, John posts a note saying he loves you! I love that if next time is the charm you will have the summer off and not feel crummy at work! So, you my friend are surrounded by love. Love from your friends and family (and blog followers) and love of the little soul who is not quite ready to come but waiting for the perfect moment to meet you and John as his/her parents.
    Stay well


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