
Love to read!

Today is favourite book day. Now I LOVE to read. I have read hundreds and hundreds of books in my life. I can lose myself in a book and not hear the world around me, I can't tell you the amount of times I have missed my subway stop because I have been reading. There are many books I love but one book that stands out in 'The Red Tent' This is a beautiful book written from the female perspective during the biblical time of Joseph. This book captures women's relationships with each other, themselves and their children. Read it, if you have not read it. READ IT!!!!!


  1. I love to read too! Unfortunately, I don't do it enough! I think I need to get the tv out of the bedroom! I am currently reading the Girl with the Dragon Tatoo and its great! Suspenseful. I'd love if you posted maybe a list of your top 10 fave books! I need another new one to start since I'm almost done this one (and I already read the Red Tent!) :)LTB

  2. Oh I loved the Red Tent - it was amazing!!! Thanks for sharing, I love getting new ideas for books.

  3. That sounds really good. I'm looking for something to get into over the next couple of weeks (just finished re-reading Pride & Prejudice) and this sounds perfect!


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