
sad day? No. Sad weekend.

To begin I have decided that I am taking a break from the world of infertility this cycle..I may or may not do the IUI but I will not be writing about any of it...I need a break from the world..I am feeling really down with this last BFN and it hurts so much right now that I am doing what is best for me. I will still be reading and commenting and I will still be writing  but it will be about my life..not my fertility.

My weekend continued with sadness with the passing of my family cat. Our little girl Hope is at peace...as I write this I cry...she was beautiful and sweet and we all loved her so much.

Hope was a rescued cat, she was found outside and she was on the verge of death..having been beaten and left to die to the elements. She weighed barely four pounds and was over a year old. They named her Hope in  hopes that she would live. She did...then my sister and I found her at and adoption centre and begged our parents...we had recently lost our other cat Jingles (handsome boy). Hope lived to be an old girl with us and was so spoiled and loved...we worked very hard to take away all the bad dreams she would have and try and have her forget the horror of the first year of her life. She has been to Florida twice and has spent endless summers at the cottage. She lived a good life and was loved deeply. Bless you little Hope...I will always miss you.


  1. I understand why you'd want a break. I can only imagine how overwhelming it must all be. Will be thinking about and praying for you.

    So, so sorry to hear about Hope. While I know it's only small solace now, in time, knowing that you did all you could for her and gave her a wonderful life will be of tremendous comfort. Those who are kind to animals are truly special people. That you and your family cared so much for Hope says so much good about all of you.

  2. RIP, sweet Hope. I'm so sorry about your loss. A few months ago I lost my cat Claudia. It was so painful, and I miss her terribly. Thinking of you!

  3. My heart hurts for you too. I know how a BFN hurts, and I know how the loss of a pet hurts. I'm so sorry.....big hugs


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