
feeling the love

I want to take the time to thank everyone in my life who supports and loves me. I have an incredible family who is AMAZING and is truly behind me in all my choices it is amazing and I know I am lucky to have it. My mom and Dad are so wonderful and have been with John and I every step of the way so far and will continue on this journey with us. I have the best friends..their kind words have gotten me through a lot of difficult days. Whether these words were through a coffee chat, text message or facebook. They make me feel worthwhile when I feel like nothing. To my blogger friends...well you understand this world better than anyone. I can always count on you for a laugh, piece of advice and supportive words. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!

To my husband. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You have always been open to hearing me and my thoughts and have been supportive about every choice I have made regarding my body. You have held my hand through IUI and have held me when I cry because our dream has not come true yet. Your positive energy and belief that this will happen for us is what keeps me going sometimes. I love you.
To my furbabies you mean the world to me...





  1. I love this gratitude - sounds like it's overflowing. And thanks for sharing the pics of your furbabies - so incredibly cute!

  2. Awww, your fur babies are the cutest! Hang tough chick, I know you have a heart of gold!


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