
Day 18 - IVF - 2dpt

Good Morning,

I have decided to take Monday off of work. I just feel better about having one more day lazing around the house. I am bored but at least I know Eggbert is not being jostled around to much and maybe has a better chance of sticking.

These past few days have been pretty uneventful. A lot of sitting around watching Seinfeld and playing on the computer.

Hubby and I are trying really hard to eat healthy. I decided I might as well start eating as though I have a little being growing in me because it is more than possible!! I have also been eating pineapple, whether or not it is an old wives tale anything that may help with implantation I will do.

I am feeling pretty good physically, the bloating is gone and my energy is good. The only issue I have is the progesterone. I really do think it might be giving me an yeast infection, yuck. Put a call into my clinic today so we will see what they come up with.

I never posted the two pictures from transfer day so I will do that now...Hope everyone is having an enjoyable Monday.


-I really had to pee-

-all ready for the transfer-


  1. I love your smiles on transfer day - great pics! And I think it's a great idea that you took another day off from work - why not? This is so exciting!!!

  2. Beautiful smile :) Glad to hear you've taken an extra day..I'm thinking of doing the same thing. So happy eggbert is safe inside you now!

  3. Yay for lazy days off work! I'm glad to hear you are feeling best, well, except the progesterone. :)

  4. Lovely pictures, you look very happy and excited, that is a good attitude. Keeping fingers crossed for you and Eggbert.

  5. I've been thinking about you. Hoping that your 2ww is treating you well and that you aren't too crazy yet!


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