
back in action

Alright I am back! I have been away at my parents cottage up north and am feeling really good and relaxed. I am however behind in my blog list so here it goes.

8. Photo that makes me angry or sad - This is Hope she was a wonderful little cat. We lost her recently to Kidney disease. I love her.

9. This is suppose to be a photo I took...I have taken many photos but I think this is a great shot..... It is of a Trillium, Ontario's official flower. You are not allowed to pick this flower. 
10. A photo of me ten years ago. Ok, I couldn't find one of me 10 years ago so I went with the oldest I could find Christmas 2004.              
11. A recent photo of me. this was taken this weekend at the Canadian Whitewater Kayaking Championships.                                                                  
Almost done........

12. Something I am OCD about....well there are actually lots of things. I have an anxiety disorder so that sort of goes hand in hand with OCD behaviours..Most recent though it is making sure my hamster cage is shut proper.

last one.....

13. Fictional book...huh??? I have no idea what that means so...I will go with the last fictional book I read . It is called Frostbitten from the Women of the Otherworld Series. If you love Vampires, Werewolf's and such you must read this series!

Ok...so that looks like it is about it...back on track. Later Skaters.                                   


  1. 2 things

    1. remember when you picked a trillium and brought it home to mom as a present!
    2. i have pictures of you from more than 10 years ago...hehehe

  2. Great pictures!!! RIP, Hope...

  3. Welcome back! Really have to start into that Women of the Otherworld series.

  4. Aw, I'm sorry about Hope! She was adorable. I love the recent pic of you - you look great!


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