

Well it is Friday, thank GOODNESS!!!!
It has been quite a week, emotionally and physically draining. I am looking forward to a week of relaxing. I actually am going to be going mattress shopping. I have been having horrible back pain, lower back pain and could not figure out what was wrong. After seeing both my massage therapist and Chiropractor, discussing the fact that I have a cheap 11 year old mattress.....we have decided it is the mattress causing me the pain and I need a new one. So we are off to shop tomorrow! Hopefully we will find something :D
Tomorrow I start my ultrasound blood work marathon again,the great thing is that I have done it once now so I know what to expect...I am not a newbie anymore. It is funny you sort of feel like you are part of a special club, everyone is there for the same reason. It is kind of a cool thing.
I am going out for coffee with a friend soon, it will be good. Always good to just have a good girls chat. Later Skater.

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